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Whether it’s competing on a post-COVID, rapid upgrading of operational systems, or the need to relocate production to another country because of global competition, knowing how to manage organizational change – whether as an executive, manager, supervisor or an employee – is critical in this “TNT” (Time, Numbers & Technology-driven) age.  Employers must know how to share info about significant change in an emotionally intelligent and transparent.  Management must also be prepared for some pushback (whether aggressive or passive) or feelings of mistrust.  Employers/management need to understand when powerful change feels disruptive or threatening, it may take on crisis-like dimensions for employees.  Employees should not feel like pawns or puppets. Clearly, questions of staying or leaving will surface.  However, employees need to do a personal inventory to assess their personal, family and organizational stress level and resources during this trying transitional time. 
There’s a new mission critical!  (Sending one person to EAP may not address group stress, conflict, and grief... along with the need for community growth.)  All may need to face the pain of a challenging present, as much as possible as a community concerned for one and all.  By sharing the sense of loss, by timely and genuine communication, especially honestly sharing tough news, transparent communication, EAP and team-building services, individuals, teams, and organizations can build inner strength, trust, and creative-collaborative bonds!

  • The Psychological Impact of Change and Loss (Gospel Rap, Rubber Ducky)
  • Developing Natural SPEED:  Stress Resilience & Mind-Body Agility
  • Psychological Hardiness and Eight “F”s of Harnessing Loss and Change
  • Burnout Prevention and Defusing Power Struggles
  • Passion Power Model
  • Healing Humor (Forms Funeral) and Confronting the Intimate FOE
  • Open, Mutual, and Exploratory “helmet’s Off” Teaming
Transforming Grief Work and Crisis will set individuals, teams, and organizations as a whole on the path of recovery and resilience, on a journey of Post-Traumatic Growth!

Describe topic importance, how this can add value to the work style.

Strategic Intervention Solutions:  Safe Spaces and Strategic Tools/Techniques

What is an organization or company to do?  One key is helping employees, supervisors, and managers understand and grieve the bio-psycho-social-organizational complexities-challenges of critical loss and change.   Another vital factor is recognizing the “dangers” and harnessing the learning and performance “growth opportunities” in separation and loss, trauma and crisis.  Teams must have open and honest “Helmets’ Off” meetings

  • All personnel levels – from front-line employees to all levels of management will gain skills, tools, and strategies for: 1) identifying stress and burnout warning signs and 2) positively developing stress and conflict, grief and change resilience skills in both themselves and in colleagues, team members, and those they supervise/manage.  Clearly, individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole benefit when a work culture is more stress resilient and focused, open healing, collaboration, and FUN!

Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a nationally acclaimed speaker, writer, and "Psychohumorist" ™, is a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Diaspora Behavioral Health & Wellness Initiative. Current 247Compliance/Ijona Skills Training Expert; also,Leadership Coach/Training Consultant for the international Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University at the Daytona, FL headquarters. A former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, he has led numerous Pre-Deployment Stress Resilience-Humor-Team Building Retreats for the US Army. Mark also has extensive experience as a Critical Incident Consultant. The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress, The Four Faces of Anger, and Preserving Human Touch in a High-Tech World. Mark’s award-winning, USA Today Online "HotSite" – – was called a "workplace resource" by National Public Radio (NPR).

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