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Research shows that a majority of employees are disconnected. This disconnect often is directly tied to leadership. Studies document that 46% of employees say their manager treats them with disrespect and 43% of employees say their work goes unrecognized. Communication is both a constant necessity and a constant challenge. In this session, you will gain 2 solid and easy-to-understand communication strategies that are listening centric. Used together, these two strategies will substantially increase effective two-way communication.

This session presents detailed insights, specific strategies, concrete steps and practical ideas to effectively communicate in the hundreds of conversations you have every week. You will be more satisfied with your communication competencies. You will see trust and employee engagement accelerate higher.

The learning objectives include:

  • 4 different types of listening
  • The reality of how we listen
  • How to utilize two key communication strategies to understand, engage and direct your employees
  • Embrace the 5 Pillars of Active Listening
  • How to incorporate the Results Pyramid to maximize your communication and influence 
  • Understand your ROI for utilizing best communication practices 

  • Revealing statistics about listening and memory
  • 2 effective approaches for understanding others
  • The 3 characteristics that have to be present for communication to be effective
  • 4 Common barriers to communication 
  • The Fail Safe Way of Listening – including live interaction with an audience member
  • Tips for moving forward

The discussion and concepts presented will provide new pathways to effective understanding communication content – both how to actively listen and when to respond. Used consistently, these concepts will help solidify trust and have a positive influence on teamwork and cooperation. Effective use will result in higher employee satisfaction and enhanced employee engagement.  

  • Manager
  • Senior Manager
  • Director
  • VP or C-level
  • Anyone is Human Resources or Communications could also benefit

During his 9 years in third-party IT recruiting, Mitch completed his MBA from Texas A&M, Commerce. Shortly thereafter, he transitioned into Human Resources - and quickly took on leading talent management and cultural initiatives. Along his journey, he recognized a need for real strategies – a template or a map, if you will, for managers to use as they faced everyday challenges – how to communicate tough decisions, how to listen to a complaint without getting into an argument, how to objectively hire the right person, how to properly prioritize resources, how to ensure employee engagement and drive retention.

Targeting these common leadership challenges led to the creation of training and development programs for all employees with the spotlight on empowering leaders to lead – and lead with courage and commitment – and inspiring excellence in their circles of influence. 

Mitch is the published author and over the past 10 years has shared his best practices with numerous leaders, professional groups and universities. He has been a speaker at Fort Worth’s HR Southwest Conference multiple years and has delivered training to software, medical, packaging and educational organizations.

Mitch is a graduate from the Dallas-based Stagen Leadership Academy, an intense 52-week leadership program. Melding together academics and practical experiences, Mitch has developed a 15-module series entitled “Working Better Together.” The Working Better Together series surfaces many common leadership and communication pitfalls. As you will experience today, he addresses them head-on with practical and sound advice. In each session, he provides a roadmap for clarity and success.

Thanks you for participating today in our session, Two Communication Strategies to Stay Connected. Let’s get started. Please welcome Mitch Byers.

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