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The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA, protects personally identifiable information in education records from disclosure without consent of the parent or eligible student, except in certain circumstances.  It also provides parents and eligible students the right to inspect and review education records.  In this one-hour session, we will discuss the contours of FERPA:  what it protects, what it doesn’t protect, and how to address requests for inspection or amendment of education records. 

  • What is and is not an education record under FERPA?
  • What rights does a parent or eligible student have about education records?
  • When do FERPA rights transition from the parent to the student?
  • When can a school release personally identifiable information from education records?
  • How do public records laws intersect with FERPA protections?
  • How can a parent or eligible student challenge the contents of education records?

  • Who is a parent and who is an eligible student?
  • What constitutes an education record?
  • What rights does a parent or eligible student have about education records?
  • What constitutes consent for the release of personally identifiable information from an education record?
  • When can personally identifiable information from an education record be released without consent?
  • When is security footage protected by FERPA, and when must it be released to parents or the media?
  • How do public records laws intersect with FERPA?

This training provides an overview for school administrators and teachers to ensure that they are following federal law about student confidentiality.  FERPA applies to educational entities that receive federal funding.

  • School administrators.
  • Teachers.

Melissa Carleton is an attorney at Bricker Graydon LLP.  She works with educational institutions on complying with federal laws, such as FERPA, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  Before joining Bricker Graydon, she worked as an assistant marching band director.  She holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School and a Bachelor of Music Education from The Ohio State University. 

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